Eat That Frog: Tips to Stop procrastinating

“Eat That Frog!” by Brian Tracy

Eat the frog book by Brian tracy.

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Tips to stop procrastinating “Eat That Frog!” is a book that teaches readers how to be more productive and achieve their goals. The book is divided into twenty-one chapters, each of which contains valuable insights on how to improve personal effectiveness. The first chapter of the book, “Set the Table,” focuses on the importance of goal-setting and how to prioritize tasks to achieve success.

tips to stop procrastinating

Importance of Goal-Setting

Brian Tracy emphasizes the importance of goal-setting in achieving success. According to Tracy, setting goals helps you focus your attention and energy on what is most important. Goals provide a roadmap for achieving success and help you stay motivated and focused.

Importance of Goal-Setting

Concept of “Eating the Frog”

The concept of “eating the frog” is central to the book. “Eating the frog” means tackling the most challenging task of the day first thing in the morning. According to Tracy, the “frog” is the task that you are most likely to procrastinate on, but it is also the task that can have the most significant impact on your success.

Explanation of “Frog”

The “frog” can be any task that is important but challenging, such as making a difficult phone call, completing a tedious project, or attending a networking event. By tackling the most challenging task first thing in the morning, you are more likely to accomplish it and feel a sense of accomplishment for the rest of the day.

First Step Towards Achieving Success

Tracy explains that the first step towards achieving success is to focus on your strengths. Identify the areas where you excel and focus your energy on those areas. When you focus on your strengths, you are more likely to enjoy what you are doing and be more productive.

Develop a Plan of Action

The next step towards achieving success is to develop a plan of action. Identify the goals you want to achieve and develop a plan for achieving them. The plan should include specific action steps, timelines, and milestones.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Tracy stresses the importance of prioritizing tasks to achieve success. Prioritizing tasks helps you focus on what is most important and avoid wasting time on less critical tasks. It also helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

Tips for Prioritizing Tasks

Tracy provides several tips for prioritizing tasks, such as:

  • Identify the tasks that are most important
  • Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks
  • Identify tasks that can be delegated or eliminated
  • Consider the consequences of not completing a task

Benefits of Task Prioritization

Tracy explains that prioritizing tasks has several benefits, such as:

  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced stress and overwhelm
  • Greater focus and clarity
  • Improved decision-making
  • Importance of a To-Do List

    Having a to-do list is an essential part of task prioritization. A to-do list helps you keep track of your tasks and ensures that you don’t forget anything important. It also helps you avoid wasting time on less critical tasks and helps you focus on what is most important.

    Creating an Effective To-Do List

    To create an effective to-do list, Tracy recommends the following steps:

    1. Write down all the tasks you need to accomplish.
    2. Prioritize the tasks based on their importance.
    3. Assign deadlines to each task.
    4. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks.
    5. Review and revise the list regularly.

    Benefits of an Effective To-Do List

    An effective to-do list has several benefits, such as:

    • Increased productivity and focus
    • Reduced stress and overwhelm
    • Improved time management
    • Greater sense of accomplishment

    Avoiding Procrastination

    Procrastination is a common problem that can hinder productivity and prevent you from achieving your goals. To avoid procrastination, Tracy recommends the following tips:

    • Break down tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks.
    • Set deadlines for each task.
    • Tackle the most challenging task first thing in the morning.
    • Eliminate distractions.
    • Stay motivated and focused.


    In conclusion, the first chapter of “Eat That Frog!” provides valuable insights on how to be more productive and achieve your goals. By setting goals, focusing on your strengths, developing a plan of action, and prioritizing tasks, you can achieve success and avoid procrastination. Creating an effective to-do list and avoiding distractions can also help you stay focused and productive. By “eating the frog” and tackling the most challenging task first thing in the morning, you can start your day off on the right foot and set yourself up for success.


    1. What is the “frog” in “Eat That Frog!”? The “frog” is the most challenging task of the day that you are most likely to procrastinate on.
    2. How can I avoid procrastination? To avoid procrastination, you can break down tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks, set deadlines, eliminate distractions, and stay motivated and focused.
    3. Why is prioritizing tasks important? Prioritizing tasks helps you focus on what is most important, avoid wasting time on less critical tasks, and reduce stress and overwhelm.
    4. What are the benefits of an effective to-do list? An effective to-do list can increase productivity and focus, reduce stress and overwhelm, improve time management, and give you a greater sense of accomplishment.
    5. What is the first step towards achieving success? The first step towards achieving success is to focus on your strengths and develop a plan of action for achieving your goals.

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